Fundamentals 1: Intro to Linux

by Audrey Emis

Linux is an extremely important tool to know as someone involved in computer science. Linux is a very popular free and open source operating system, which means it manages the communication between the software and hardware on your computer. Different machines have different ways of accessing a linux terminal and there are tons of linux commands (along with their options/flags) to cover. We are going through some basic file system traversal using essential linux commands like pwd, cd, and ls. We are also learning how to add and remove files/directories and how to read man pages effectively. There is a lot to learn about the linux operating system and going through OverTheWire's Bandit wargame is a great first step!



We are solving levels from OverTheWire: Bandit at to learn and practice various fundamental linux commands.


The following are great resources to learn and practice linux commands.

  • Interactive Linux Tutorial: Made by your own ACM Cyber and ACM Teach committees, this easy to follow tutorial will get you familiar with important linux commands, while also getting familiar with Linux's mascot, Tux.
  • Top 60 Essential Linux Commands: Website listing some must-know linux commands along with quick summaries of how to use them.
  • tldr: Man pages can be really confusing and dense. tldr is a great resource since it is a simpler help page that focuses on practical examples.