Binary Exploitation 1: Return-Oriented Programming

by Alexander Zhang

Modern systems have exploit mitigations such as the NX bit that prevent writable memory from being executed. This prevents shellcode injection attacks, where a vulnerability causes the program to execute malicious code that is injected into the program's memory. Return-oriented programming is a powerful technique that bypasses these mitigations by taking advantage of the x86 ret instruction to chain together bits of existing code in the target program instead of injecting new code.



A set of challenges with increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides. You can filter for them on the platform by checking "rev" under "Categories", and "week 9" under "week". They are:

  • pwn/ret2libc
  • pwn/ret2libc2
  • pwn/sus


The following resources are great tools for some of the pwn challenges:

  • xgadget: A tool for finding ROP gadgets.
  • GEF: A GDB extension with lots of useful features for pwn.
  • pwntools: A Python library useful for writing solve scripts.
  • pwninit: A tool for setting up pwn challenges locally.