Psi Beta Rho Wiki
by members of Psi Beta Rho & ACM Cyber at UCLA
This wiki is a ongoing project run by Psi Beta Rho and ACM Cyber at UCLA. It is a collection of resources for learning about cybersecurity, particularly through CTFs. This is meant as both a starting point for beginners and a reference for more experienced players. While the content is primarily aimed at UCLA students who are part of the PBR team, it is also accessible to anyone who is interested in learning about cybersecurity.
If you are interested in contributing to this wiki, please feel free to open a pull request or issue on the GitHub repository. The content of this site has been collected by a variety of people contributing their knowledge and resources. If you would like to contribute, please do so! We are always looking for more content to add to this wiki.
If you are reading this page, you have probably been referenced here for one of a few reasons:
- You are a new/prospective member of ACM Cyber at UCLA / Psi Beta Rho.
- You are someone looking to get into playing CTFs.
- Someone interested in learning about cybersecurity.
This wiki is meant to be a collection of resources for learning about cybersecurity, particularly through CTFs. This is meant as both a starting point for beginners and a reference for more experienced players. This page is meant to explain some critical points when getting started with CTFs.
Where do I start?
This is probably one of the most popular questions the members of our club get. While this wiki was a project trying to solve this question, it by no means is a perfect solution. In fact, part of the beauty of cybersecurity / CTFs is that it is so interdisciplinary and that much of what you learn is from building experience. For that reason, the answer is to just start! The following video by LiveOverflow is also a great answer to this question that we highly recommend watching.
How to use this wiki?
In the current form of the wiki, it is not meant to be a text book but rather a collection of resources for people to explore. The order of the chapters is not to indicate any sort of importance or order of learning, but rather to group similar topics together. We recommend that you explore the wiki and find what interests you. A future goal of this project is to add a bit more context to each sort of field within cybersecurity, but for now we recommend looking at each chapter and seeing what interests you. The most important thing is to just start! Additionally, do not be afraid to ask questions! The members of our club are always happy to help.
What are CTFs?
CTF 101: CTF Field Guide:
Capture The Flag competitions (CTFs) are cybersecurity competitions where teams solve challenges to win points. These challenges generally involve exploiting some vulnerability in a target piece of code, which contains a secret "flag" (a unique string) that can only be accessed through exploiting said vulnerability. Once someone has figured out the exploit and captured the flag, they submit it for points, hence the name Capture The Flag.
Some common categories of challenges include Binary Exploitation (pwn), Reverse Engineering, Cryptography, and Web Exploitation, to name a few. Don't worry if you don't know what these mean yet, this repository should help with that!
Psi Beta Rho
This chapter contains resources and information specific to Psi Beta Rho. It is meant to act as a reference for members who are joining the team for the first time and contains information about the team's history, logistics, and resources. While this chapter can probably skipped by anyone who is not a member of our team, it is still publically available for anyone who is interested in learning about how we run our club and team.
What is PBR?
Psi Beta Rho (abbreviated as PBR) is cybersecurity club and UCLA's competitive CTF team. We have practices every week of the quarter (unless otherwise specified) and compete in CTFs. Our CTF schedule isn't particularly set, we kind of play this by ear, but do try to keep an open hour or two on the weekends in case we are competing.
We also run LA CTF, our own CTF competition that we write the challenges for! If you're interested in challenge writing, talk to a team captain.
Fall '24 Cyber Academy
Writeups/challenges for Cyber Academy Fall 2024.
Fundamentals 1: Intro to Linux
by Audrey Emis
Linux is an extremely important tool to know as someone involved in computer science. Linux is a very popular free and open source operating system, which means it manages the communication between the software and hardware on your computer. Different machines have different ways of accessing a linux terminal and there are tons of linux commands (along with their options/flags) to cover. We are going through some basic file system traversal using essential linux commands like pwd, cd, and ls. We are also learning how to add and remove files/directories and how to read man pages effectively. There is a lot to learn about the linux operating system and going through OverTheWire's Bandit wargame is a great first step!
We are solving levels from OverTheWire: Bandit at to learn and practice various fundamental linux commands.
The following are great resources to learn and practice linux commands.
- Interactive Linux Tutorial: Made by your own ACM Cyber and ACM Teach committees, this easy to follow tutorial will get you familiar with important linux commands, while also getting familiar with Linux's mascot, Tux.
- Top 60 Essential Linux Commands: Website listing some must-know linux commands along with quick summaries of how to use them.
- tldr: Man pages can be really confusing and dense. tldr is a great resource since it is a simpler help page that focuses on practical examples.
Fundamentals 1: Intro to Linux
by Audrey Emis
Linux is an extremely important tool to know as someone involved in computer science. Linux is a very popular free and open source operating system, which means it manages the communication between the software and hardware on your computer. Different machines have different ways of accessing a linux terminal and there are tons of linux commands (along with their options/flags) to cover. We are going through some basic file system traversal using essential linux commands like pwd, cd, and ls. We are also learning how to add and remove files/directories and how to read man pages effectively. There is a lot to learn about the linux operating system and going through OverTheWire's Bandit wargame is a great first step!
We are solving levels from OverTheWire: Bandit at to learn and practice various fundamental linux commands.
The following are great resources to learn and practice linux commands.
- Interactive Linux Tutorial: Made by your own ACM Cyber and ACM Teach committees, this easy to follow tutorial will get you familiar with important linux commands, while also getting familiar with Linux's mascot, Tux.
- Top 60 Essential Linux Commands: Website listing some must-know linux commands along with quick summaries of how to use them.
- tldr: Man pages can be really confusing and dense. tldr is a great resource since it is a simpler help page that focuses on practical examples.
Fundamentals 2: Forensics
by Alec Machlis
At a very high level, Forensics is the science of extracting and preserving data from things. In a crime lab, this is extracting clues from physical evidence from a crime scene, but in Cybersecurity, this is the collection of data from various digital sources. Forensics can be applied to a wide variety of fields in Computer Science, but we will primarily focus on File Forensics, with some cursory Image Steganography and Network Forensics introductions.
We are solving challenges from various sources at the beginner level, available on our platform:
Once you have finished our challenges, check out the Forensic Challenges available at PicoCTF Gym:
The following are great resources for Forensics challenges.
- Stego Toolkit: Docker container with many steganography detectors and decoders pre-installed.
- Aperisolve: Online image steganography detction tool.
- Binwalk: Tool to extract files located within other files.
- Online browser-based file Hex Editor.
- Wireshark: Used for Network Forensics, whenever you find a
file. - Autopsy: Used for Disk Forensics, whenever you get a raw disk file.
- Volatility: Used for Memory Dump Forensics.
- aconvert file detection: Online tool for file format detection.
Fundamentals 3: Intro to Reverse Engineering
by Mark Epstein & Jason An
Reverse engineering is a field of cybersecurity that involves figuring out what a program, often compiled, does, in order to achieve some kind of goal, like bypassing a license check or finding a vulnerability in the software. From professional positions like vulnerability research and malware analysis, to hobbyist activities like game modding or DRM cracking, reverse engineering has a wide variety of interesting applications in cybersecurity. We'll start off by learning basic reverse engineering principles on programs with full to nearly-full source code access, and then move towards learning how to reverse engineer compiled executables later on.
A set of challenges with increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides. You can filter for them on the platform by checking "rev" under "Categories", and "week 2" under "week". They are:
rev/Character Numbers
The following resources are great tools for some of the reversing challenges:
- Online Java Decompiler: An entirely online tool that can decompile Java jar/class files back to decent-quality source code.
- A website that lets you run many different programming languages online, which you can use to play around with programs if you don't want to install them locally.
- CyberChef: An online tool that has a variety of different encoding and encryption schemes, which may be useful.
Fundamentals 4: Intro to Web & Client-Side Security
by Savannah
As you know, the Internet is a really cool and fun place! It follows the client-server model, where clients like your phone or laptop request information from servers, who provide this information. Pages on the Internet consist of HTML (providing the content of the webpage), CSS (styling for the content), and JavaScript (allowing for pages to be interactive).
Unfortunately for website creators, there exists many possibile website vulnerabilities accessible straight from your browser! This is client side security, which deals with vulnerabilites that can be exploited straight from the client. When looking into client side security, Chrome Dev Tools is your best friend. It allows you to look at the website sources, run JavaScript, see network requests, edit cookies, and more.
We will be doing challenges web/control-you, web/sourcery, and web/cooking, web/acm-netsec, and web/terms-and-conditions, available on our platform: These challenges are ordered by increasing difficulty, but feel free to jump around if you want.
There are more challenges available on our platform if you'd like to try them out.
The following resources are great to learn more about the topics covered in the slides.
- Chrome DevTools Documentation: The comprehensive resource for various features of Chrome DevTools. Frequently, the Chrome DevTools Developer Advocacy team will put together blog posts and videos to help show off new features and how to use them.
- MDN Web Docs: Document Object Model (DOM): The DOM API has a lot of features that are well documented by MDN. This is a great resource to figure out how to use different features of the DOM API when working on client-side web challenges.
- How to hack the Chrome Dinosaur game: A great exercise in understanding why attempting to secure code on the client-side is a losing battle. This article goes through various tricks for how to hack the Chrome Dinosaur game!
Fundamentals 5: HTTP Requests
by Renuka Bhusari
An HTTP Request is a message sent by a client to a server asking for a resource or for an action to be performed. HTTP requests and responses are how clients and servers communicate and interact. We'll cover the main types of requests: GET, HEAD, and POST. We'll also teach how to send requests using curl on the command line and the requests library in python!
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
- Challenge 6 -
The following are resources covering different request methods and how to use curl and python to send requests.
- HTTP Request Methods: A resource explaining some HTTP Request Methods
- HTTP Requests Using Curl: Documentation for using curl in command line
- HTTP Requests In Python: Shows how to use the Python Requests Module
- Request Sessions in Python: Explains how to create a request session in Python
Fundamentals 6: Introduction to Cryptography
by Arnav Vora
Cryptography is the process of hiding information or communicating securely in an environment where everyone is trying to read the communication. Most cryptography examples involve Alice and Bob trying to communicate while Eve listens in. Today, we explored the basics of cryptography, starting with the most fundamental classical ciphers used before we had powerful computers. However, these ciphers are completely inadequate to hide data in today's age. We learn of ways that computers can break these ciphers, and then move to discussing more modern forms of encryption. A fundamental operation in modern cryptography is XOR. This can be used to create the One-time Pad, a mathematically perfectly secure cipher that reveals no information about the information being sent. However, this cipher isn't practical in most scenarios, and it has many conditions for it to actually achieve perfect security. We then discuss two main classes of symmetric ciphers that are widely used: block ciphers and stream ciphers.
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
fundamentals/Caesar turns 47
- Challenge 2 -
fundamentals/vigenere is kill
- Challenge 3 -
fundamentals/XOR practice
- Challenge 4 -
fundamentals/Practice Run
- Challenge 5 -
fundamentals/Practice Run 2
- Challenge 6 -
The following resources are great to practice/learn about the ciphers covered in the slides.
- This website hosts many classical ciphers, and provides tools for encryption, decryption, and automatic cracking of ciphers. This is a staple for classical cryptography challenges.
- guballa Substitution Solver: My personal favorite website to crack monoalphabetic substitution ciphers.
- Cyberchef: This website also hosts many ciphers, and provides tools for encryption, decryption, and automatic cracking. It is very powerful at detecting the cipher used in encryption if is unknown, and is also a staple for classical cryptography challenges.
- pycryptodome: A library that implements many modern-day cryptographic algorithms.
Fundamentals 6: Modern Cryptography Basics
by Rathul Anand
Cryptography is the process of hiding information or communicating securely in an environment where everyone is trying to read the communication. Most cryptography examples involve Alice and Bob trying to communicate while Eve listens in. Today, we explore modern cryptography, heavily rooted in modular arithmetic. Modular arihmetic the language underlying modern cryptosystems. Many cryptographic alogirhtms rely on this arithmetic, where numbers "wrap around" after reaching a certain modulus. For example, the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (DHKE), which we covered today, leverages modular exponentiation to enable two parties to share a secret over an insecure channel. By applying modular arithmetic, both parties can compute the same shared secret without revealing or sharing their private keys. This principle forms the basis for secure communication in many asymmetric encryption schemes. We also cover the RSA cryptosystem, what it is, and what calculations are needed. Finally, we will have time to write writeups for challenges we have solved this quarter in cyber academy or elsewhere.
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides. We recommend working in the order below, as the challenges build upon themselves.
- Challenge 1 -
fundamentals/Modular Practice
- Challenge 2 -
fundamentals/RSA Practice
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
The following resources are great to practice/learn about the ciphers covered in the slides.
- This website hosts many classical ciphers, and provides tools for encryption, decryption, and automatic cracking of ciphers. This is a staple for classical cryptography challenges.
- Alpertron: A fast online integer factorization calculator for large numbers
- FactorDB: A large online database of integers and their factors.
- pycryptodome: A library that implements many modern-day cryptographic algorithms.
- cryptohack: A website with many challenges related to cryptography.
- Cyberchef: This website also hosts many ciphers, and provides tools for encryption, decryption, and automatic cracking. It is very powerful at detecting the cipher used in encryption if is unknown, and is also a staple for classical cryptography challenges.
- hackMD: A very useful markdown editor/publisher
- Twin Prime: Gary's writeup for Twin Primes from Buckeye CTF 2023, a good example of a writeup for an easier challenge.
- SHA256-CTR: Arnav's writeup for SHA256-CTR from SDCTF 2023, a good example of a writeup for a harder challenge.
Web 1: Intro to Web & Client-Side Security
by Benson Liu
The internet is one of the most powerful tools that we used today and is deeply integrated into our daily lives. As the history of the web envolved, the security of the internet has changed as well. As we begin our journey into web security, we will start by understanding the basics of the web and how to secure the client-side of web applications. Every page on the internet is composed of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript which is used to display content, add styling, and make the page interactive respectively. Most web apps take on the client-server model when desigining their systems and communicate with each other using the HTTP protocol. Web clients or frontends are targets for a variety of security vulnerabilities (we will cover these in later weeks) but for now, we will focus on getting familiar with interacting with the client-side of web applications using the Chrome Developer Tools, Document Object Model (DOM) APIs and more!
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
(from angstromctf 2019) - Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
(from lactf 2024)
The following resources are great to learn more about the topics covered in the slides.
- Chrome DevTools Documentation: The comprehensive resource for various features of Chrome DevTools. Frequently, the Chrome DevTools Developer Advocacy team will put together blog posts and videos to help show off new features and how to use them.
- MDN Web Docs: Document Object Model (DOM): The DOM API has a lot of features that are well documented by MDN. This is a great resource to figure out how to use different features of the DOM API when working on client-side web challenges.
- How to hack the Chrome Dinosaur game: A great exercise in understanding why attempting to secure code on the client-side is a losing battle. This article goes through various tricks for how to hack the Chrome Dinosaur game!
Web 1: Intro to Web & Client-Side Security
by Benson Liu
The internet is one of the most powerful tools that we used today and is deeply integrated into our daily lives. As the history of the web envolved, the security of the internet has changed as well. As we begin our journey into web security, we will start by understanding the basics of the web and how to secure the client-side of web applications. Every page on the internet is composed of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript which is used to display content, add styling, and make the page interactive respectively. Most web apps take on the client-server model when desigining their systems and communicate with each other using the HTTP protocol. Web clients or frontends are targets for a variety of security vulnerabilities (we will cover these in later weeks) but for now, we will focus on getting familiar with interacting with the client-side of web applications using the Chrome Developer Tools, Document Object Model (DOM) APIs and more!
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
(from angstromctf 2019) - Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
(from lactf 2024)
The following resources are great to learn more about the topics covered in the slides.
- Chrome DevTools Documentation: The comprehensive resource for various features of Chrome DevTools. Frequently, the Chrome DevTools Developer Advocacy team will put together blog posts and videos to help show off new features and how to use them.
- MDN Web Docs: Document Object Model (DOM): The DOM API has a lot of features that are well documented by MDN. This is a great resource to figure out how to use different features of the DOM API when working on client-side web challenges.
- How to hack the Chrome Dinosaur game: A great exercise in understanding why attempting to secure code on the client-side is a losing battle. This article goes through various tricks for how to hack the Chrome Dinosaur game!
Web 2: HTTP Requests
by Renuka Bhusari
HTTP requests are essential for web communication, but they also serve as critical vectors for potential threats. HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) is the protocol that governs the communication between a client (like a web browser) and a web server. When a user tries to access a website, their browser sends an HTTP request, and the server responds with the requested content, such as HTML, CSS, or images. This week's content covers how to send requests to web pages using curl and python, start request sessions, and more!
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
The follow resource was not covered in the slides, but is also a very important tool. There are also additional resources linked on the slides.
- Using nc to Send Requests: Netcat (commonly abbreviated as nc) is a simple network utility used for reading and writing data over network connections.
Web 3: Local File Inclusion
by Audrey Emis
The Linux File System has some built in directories that every directory (even seemingly empty ones) have! . represents the current directory and ../ represents the parent directory. Some web apps take file paths as inputs from users, which can lead to sensitive data being uncovered if the user puts in the right input. They can use "../" to get to parent directories, all the wayup to the root directory, where many more files are accessible. This vulnerability is caused by weak input sanitization or other interesting loopholes in the code. Today, we'll learn about LFI and work through some challenges that cover different LFI techniques!
We'll be working on the following challenges on
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
- Challenge 6 -
- Challenge 7 -
- Challenge 8 -
- Challenge 9 -
The following are great resources for learning about LFI, mitigations, and bypasses.
- Portswigger's Path Traversal Lesson: Portwigger is a great resource for all kinds of web security. There are explanations and challenges for LFI at this link.
- HackTricks File Inclusion/Path Traversal: Great post that explains common LFI techniques and how to bypass certain mitigations.
Web 4: Advanced Local File Inclusion
by Ronak Badhe
Last week, we covered why local file inclusion is possible and some basic LFI techniques. This week, we'll dive into more advanced techniques that can be used to bypass certain mitigations. Oftentimes, different languages have different quirks when handling file paths. Unintuitive behavior is the basis for security vulnerabilities. There are special linux files that contain more information for exploitation, like /proc/self and /dev/fd. When coming up with LFI exploits, you should research the app's language/framework (especially if the framework is not super common or "normal") and do a lot of experimenting! We'll work through some advanced LFI challenges today and learn about various strange behaviors in web apps.
We'll be continuting on challenges from last week along with two new challenges, all deployed on
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
- Challenge 6 -
- Challenge 7 -
- Challenge 8 -
- Challenge 9 -
- NEW Challenge 10 -
- NEW Challenge 11 -
The following resources cover various techniques for advanced local file inclusion.
- Portswigger's Path Traversal Lesson: Portwigger is a great resource for all kinds of web security. There are explanations and challenges for LFI at this link.
- PayloadsAllTheThings: Contains lots of payloads for different LFI techniques and tricks.
- HackTricks File Inclusion/Path Traversal: Great post that explains common LFI techniques and how to bypass certain mitigations.
Web 5: XSS
by Stewart Kwok
XSS stands for Cross Site Scripting and it's a web attack where the attacker injects code to be run on the website. It requires the victim to visit the webpage with the malicious code. There are many techniques for injecting JavaScript code into a webpage. We'll go through stored, reflected, and DOM-based XSS and their common payloads. URLs, form fields, cookies, and HTTP headers are all common injection points. Input sanitization can be used to mitigate these attacks, but there are also ways to bypass these mitigations!
The following XSS challenges are deployed to
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
- Challenge 6 -
The following are resources for different kinds of XSS attacks.
- List of XSS Payloads: PortSwigger's list of common XSS payloads
- DOM-based XSS: Includes common sources and sinks for DOM-based XSS
Web 6: XSS Revisited
by Stewart Kwok
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a web vulnerability that allows attackers to inject malicious scripts into websites, which are then executed in a victim's browser. This type of attack can lead to the theft of sensitive data such as cookies or session tokens, and is a significant threat to web security.
Today, we explored various methods of injecting JavaScript, including the use of <script>
tags and event attributes. We also covered how attackers simulate victim interactions with admin bots to steal sensitive data like cookies or flags. We discussed advanced exploitation techniques, such as the double-fetch trick, to bypass HTTPOnly cookie protections. Finally, we examined defenses like input sanitization and the challenges of bypassing these security measures.
The following XSS challenges are deployed to
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
- Challenge 6 -
- Challenge 7 -
- Challenge 8 -
The following are resources for different kinds of XSS attacks.
- Portswigger XSS Cheat Sheet: PortSwigger's list of common XSS payloads
- PayloadsAllTheThings XSS Payloads: PayloadsAllTheThings' list of common XSS payloads
- OWASP Filter Evasion Cheat Sheet: OWASP's list of payloads for XSS filter evasion
Web 7: Catchup + Writeups
by Ronak Badhe and Stewart Kwok
Revisiting and completing unfinished challenges is an essential part of building your skills and deepening your understanding of key concepts. Today, we’ll take the opportunity to catch up on any unsolved challenges while exploring the elements of a strong writeup. A well-crafted writeup not only explains the challenge but also walks through your thought process, details the tools or techniques you used, and outlines the steps you took to reach a solution. It’s a valuable resource for both sharing knowledge with others and reflecting on your own learning journey.
The following challenges are deployed to
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
The following are examples of good writeups!
- KalmarCTF 2024 File Store: example writeup by Ronak!
- Makima: example writeup by Andrew!
Crypto 1: Intro to cryptography
by Arnav Vora
Cryptography is the process of hiding information or communicating securely in an environment where everyone is trying to read the communication. Most cryptography examples involve Alice and Bob trying to communicate while Eve listens in. Today, we explored the basics of cryptography, starting with the most fundamental classical ciphers used before we had powerful computers. However, these ciphers are completely inadequate to hide data in today's age. We learn of ways that computers can break these ciphers, and then move to discussing more modern forms of encryption. A fundamental operation in modern cryptography is XOR. This can be used to create the One-time Pad, a mathematically perfectly secure cipher that reveals no information about the information being sent. However, this cipher isn't practical in most scenarios, and it has many conditions for it to actually achieve perfect security.
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
The following resources are great to practice/learn about the ciphers covered in the slides.
- This website hosts many classical ciphers, and provides tools for encryption, decryption, and automatic cracking of ciphers. This is a staple for classical cryptography challenges.
- guballa Substitution Solver: My personal favorite website to crack monoalphabetic substitution ciphers.
- Cyberchef: This website also hosts many ciphers, and provides tools for encryption, decryption, and automatic cracking. It is very powerful at detecting the cipher used in encryption if is unknown, and is also a staple for classical cryptography challenges.
Crypto 1: Intro to cryptography
by Arnav Vora
Cryptography is the process of hiding information or communicating securely in an environment where everyone is trying to read the communication. Most cryptography examples involve Alice and Bob trying to communicate while Eve listens in. Today, we explored the basics of cryptography, starting with the most fundamental classical ciphers used before we had powerful computers. However, these ciphers are completely inadequate to hide data in today's age. We learn of ways that computers can break these ciphers, and then move to discussing more modern forms of encryption. A fundamental operation in modern cryptography is XOR. This can be used to create the One-time Pad, a mathematically perfectly secure cipher that reveals no information about the information being sent. However, this cipher isn't practical in most scenarios, and it has many conditions for it to actually achieve perfect security.
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
The following resources are great to practice/learn about the ciphers covered in the slides.
- This website hosts many classical ciphers, and provides tools for encryption, decryption, and automatic cracking of ciphers. This is a staple for classical cryptography challenges.
- guballa Substitution Solver: My personal favorite website to crack monoalphabetic substitution ciphers.
- Cyberchef: This website also hosts many ciphers, and provides tools for encryption, decryption, and automatic cracking. It is very powerful at detecting the cipher used in encryption if is unknown, and is also a staple for classical cryptography challenges.
Crypto 2: Block Ciphers
by Arnav Vora
When discussing modern-day ciphers, we have two desireable properties: confusion and diffusion. A type of symmetric cipher (meaning the encryption and decryption key are the same) that achieves both of these goals is a block cipher. These ciphers divide up the plaintext into fixed-size blocks, and then encrypt them with the same key. Two commonly-used block ciphers are DES and AES. DES has fallen out of favor due to its variety of security flaws. However, AES is now very commonplace and is the modern standard for encryption. When implementing a block cipher, you must consider how different blocks are encrypted with the same key; this mechanism is called the mode of operation and influences a lot about the cipher's security.
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
- Challenge 6 -
The following resources are great to practice/learn about the ciphers covered in the slides.
- pycryptodome: A library that implements many modern-day cryptographic algorithms.
- Modes of Operation A good article about the different modes of operation of block ciphers.
Crypto 2: Stream Ciphers
by Arnav Vora
For perfect security, OTP has very restrictive conditions. Instead, we want to design ciphers that need a smaller key and are easy to work with. Symmetric encryption is when the same key is used for encryption and decryption, and there are two types of commonly-used ciphers. Stream ciphers generate a "keystream" similar to OTP's key, but instead from a single fixed-size key. On the other hand, block ciphers divide up the ciphertext into "blocks" and apply an encryption function to each block using the key. There are many standard commonly-used stream and block ciphers.
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
The following resources are great to practice/learn about the ciphers covered in the slides.
- pycryptodome: A library that implements many modern-day cryptographic algorithms.
Crypto 4: Math for Crypto, DHKE
by Rathul Anand
Modular arihmetic is an important language underlying modern cryptosystems. Many cryptographic alogirhtms rely on this arithmetic, where numbers "wrap around" after reaching a certain modulus. For example, the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (DHKE), which we cover in these slides, leverages modular exponentiation to enable tow parties to share a secret over an insecure channel. By applying modular arithmetic, both parties can compute the same shared secret without revealing or sharing their private keys. This principle forms the basis for secure communication in many asymmetric encryption schemes.
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
- Challenge 6 -
The following resources are great to practice/learn about the ciphers covered in the slides.
- pycryptodome: A library that implements many modern-day cryptographic algorithms.
- alperton: Has a discrete logarithm solver that works fast for small
. - SageMath: An open-source mathematical software tool. Works with Python and has many constructs that are very useful in modular arithmetic/cryptography.
Crypto 5: RSA
by Gary Song
RSA has a huge signifigance for being the first pratical asymmetric cryptosystem, for which it was awarded a turning award. For that reason, it is an important foundation for any aspiring cryptographer to study about. We cover the RSA cryptosystem, what it is, what calculations are needed, and a short proof on why it works. Later, we will discuss common attacks on the RSA cryptosystem
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
The following resources are great to practice/learn about the ciphers covered in the slides.
- pycryptodome: A library that implements many modern-day cryptographic algorithms.
- cryptohack: A website with many challenges related to cryptography
- Alpertron: A fast online integer factorization calculator for large numbers
- FactorDB: A large online database of integers and their factors
Crypto 6: RSA Attacks
by Gary Song
Over the many years since RSA was presented to the world, an enormous amount of research has been put into find different vulnerabilities. While nothing has been found for standard padded RSA, there are several cases of misuse that lead to vulnerabilties being present. These can range from poor parameter generation causing easy factoring to information leakage through auxillary means.
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 4 -
The following resources are great to practice/learn about the ciphers covered in the slides.
- pycryptodome: A library that implements many modern-day cryptographic algorithms.
- cryptohack: A website with many challenges related to cryptography
- Alpertron: A fast online integer factorization calculator for large numbers
- FactorDB: A large online database of integers and their factors
- DanBoneh: A paper by a Stanford professor on RSA attacks
Crypto 7: Digital Signatures and Writeups
by Arnav Vora
Aside from just encrypting data, we also need a cryptographic mechanism to verify the identity of users. This is done through digital signatures. First, we discuss cryptograhic hashing functions, which act as one-way functions with the added benefit of collision resistance. Then, we discuss how we can construct a digital signature scheme using the same RSA primitives. Finally, we will have time to write writeups for challenges we have solved this quarter in cyber academy or elsewhere.
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
The following resources are great to practice/learn about the ciphers covered in the slides.
- pycryptodome: A library that implements many modern-day cryptographic algorithms.
- cryptohack: A website with many challenges related to cryptography
- Alpertron: A fast online integer factorization calculator for large numbers
- FactorDB: A large online database of integers and their factors
- DanBoneh: A paper by a Stanford professor on RSA attacks
- hackMD: A very useful markdown editor/publisher
- Twin Prime: Gary's writeup for Twin Primes from Buckeye CTF 2023, a good example of a writeup for an easier challenge.
- SHA256-CTR: Arnav's writeup for SHA256-CTR from SDCTF 2023, a good example of a writeup for a harder challenge.
Reverse Engineering 1: Intro to Reverse Engineering
by Jason An
Reverse engineering is a field of cybersecurity that involves figuring out what a program, often compiled, does, in order to achieve some kind of goal, like bypassing a license check or finding a vulnerability in the software. From professional positions like vulnerability research and malware analysis, to hobbyist activities like game modding or DRM cracking, reverse engineering has a wide variety of interesting applications in cybersecurity. We'll start off by learning basic reverse engineering principles on programs with full to nearly-full source code access, and then move towards learning how to reverse engineer compiled executables later on.
A set of challenges with increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides. You can filter for them on the platform by checking "rev" under "Categories", and "week 2" under "week". They are:
rev/Character Numbers
The following resources are great tools for some of the reversing challenges:
- Online Java Decompiler: An entirely online tool that can decompile Java jar/class files back to decent-quality source code.
- A website that lets you run many different programming languages online, which you can use to play around with programs if you don't want to install them locally.
- CyberChef: An online tool that has a variety of different encoding and encryption schemes, which may be useful.
Reverse Engineering 1: Intro to Reverse Engineering
by Jason An
Reverse engineering is a field of cybersecurity that involves figuring out what a program, often compiled, does, in order to achieve some kind of goal, like bypassing a license check or finding a vulnerability in the software. From professional positions like vulnerability research and malware analysis, to hobbyist activities like game modding or DRM cracking, reverse engineering has a wide variety of interesting applications in cybersecurity. We'll start off by learning basic reverse engineering principles on programs with full to nearly-full source code access, and then move towards learning how to reverse engineer compiled executables later on.
A set of challenges with increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides. You can filter for them on the platform by checking "rev" under "Categories", and "week 2" under "week". They are:
rev/Character Numbers
The following resources are great tools for some of the reversing challenges:
- Online Java Decompiler: An entirely online tool that can decompile Java jar/class files back to decent-quality source code.
- A website that lets you run many different programming languages online, which you can use to play around with programs if you don't want to install them locally.
- CyberChef: An online tool that has a variety of different encoding and encryption schemes, which may be useful.
Reverse Engineering 2: Assembly
by Jason An
We'll be diving into x86_64/amd64 assembly this week. Being the dominant architecture in laptops, being able to reverse x86 executables is a crucial skill in reverse engineering, and still has many transferrable skills to reversing other architectures. For this week, we'll cover basic x86 instructions, and how to read and work with assembly.
A set of challenges with increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides. You can filter for them on the platform by checking "rev" under "Categories", and "week 3" under "week". They are:
The following resources are great tools for some of the reversing challenges:
- objdump command: A command that lets you disassemble an executable to extract the assembly
- x86 reference: An HTML rendering of the Intel handbook containing details on every x86 instruction
Reverse Engineering 3: Assembly Part 2
by Jason An
We'll be continuing our dive into x86 assembly this week. We'll finish the slides we didn't cover last week, and then move onto learning about how memory works.
A set of challenges with increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides. You can filter for them on the platform by checking "rev" under "Categories", and "week 4" under "week". They are:
The following resources are great tools for some of the reversing challenges:
- objdump command: A command that lets you disassemble an executable to extract the assembly
- x86 reference: An HTML rendering of the Intel handbook containing details on every x86 instruction
Reverse Engineering 4: GDB
by Alexander Zhang
This week's topic is GDB, a tool that allows us to control the execution of processes and inspect their state. This is useful for debugging, reverse engineering, and exploit development. We will also learn about GEF, a GDB extension with lots of useful features for CTFs.
A set of challenges with increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides. You can filter for them on the platform by checking "rev" under "Categories", and "week 5" under "week". They are: You can practice using GDB on the challenges from previous weeks:
We've also added some new challenges that are designed to be much easier to solve with GDB than with static analysis alone:
The following resources are great tools for some of the reversing challenges:
- GDB documentation: Information on using GDB
- GDB reference card: Cheat sheet with common GDB commands
- GEF documentation: Information on how to install and use GEF
Reverse Engineering 5: Decompilers
by Enzo Saracen
This week's topic is decompilers: tools that lift machine code from executables into higher-level source-like representations. This is useful for static analysis of binaries when source code is not provided. We will be demonstrating the features of decompilers using Binary Ninja, a proprietary decompiler that provides both a local and cloud-based free version.
A set of challenges with increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides. You can filter for them on the platform by checking "rev" under "Categories", and "week 6" under "week". They are:
You can also practice using decompilers on some of the challenges from previous weeks that involve a binary:
The following resources are great tools for some of the reversing challenges:
Binary Exploitation 1: Intro to Pwn
by Alexander Zhang
Binary exploitation, also known as pwn, is a category of challenges where we gain control over vulnerable programs by exploiting memory safety vulnerabilities. We will learn about basic pwn concepts today and exploit buffer overflow vulnerabilities, where a program can be tricked into writing data past the end of a buffer in memory.
A set of challenges with increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides. You can filter for them on the platform by checking "rev" under "Categories", and "week 8" under "week". They are:
The following resources are great tools for some of the pwn challenges:
- GEF: A GDB extension with lots of useful features for pwn.
- pwntools: A Python library useful for writing solve scripts.
- pwninit: A tool for setting up pwn challenges locally.
Binary Exploitation 1: Intro to Pwn
by Alexander Zhang
Binary exploitation, also known as pwn, is a category of challenges where we gain control over vulnerable programs by exploiting memory safety vulnerabilities. We will learn about basic pwn concepts today and exploit buffer overflow vulnerabilities, where a program can be tricked into writing data past the end of a buffer in memory.
A set of challenges with increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides. You can filter for them on the platform by checking "rev" under "Categories", and "week 8" under "week". They are:
The following resources are great tools for some of the pwn challenges:
- GEF: A GDB extension with lots of useful features for pwn.
- pwntools: A Python library useful for writing solve scripts.
- pwninit: A tool for setting up pwn challenges locally.
Binary Exploitation 1: Return-Oriented Programming
by Alexander Zhang
Modern systems have exploit mitigations such as the NX bit that prevent writable memory from being executed.
This prevents shellcode injection attacks, where a vulnerability causes the program to execute malicious code that is injected into the program's memory.
Return-oriented programming is a powerful technique that bypasses these mitigations by taking advantage of the x86 ret
instruction to chain together bits of existing code in the target program instead of injecting new code.
A set of challenges with increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides. You can filter for them on the platform by checking "rev" under "Categories", and "week 9" under "week". They are:
The following resources are great tools for some of the pwn challenges:
- xgadget: A tool for finding ROP gadgets.
- GEF: A GDB extension with lots of useful features for pwn.
- pwntools: A Python library useful for writing solve scripts.
- pwninit: A tool for setting up pwn challenges locally.
Winter '25 Cyber Academy
Writeups/challenges for Cyber Academy Fall 2025.
Web 1: Basic SQL Injection
by Renuka Bhusari
Sql injection is a web vulnerability in which an attacker can inject special characters into an sql query and take control of the query. This allows them to potentially leak, delete, or compromise data. Ever seen a site asking you to not use —? That’s because of sql injection!
This cyber academy we will be learning about this attack and performing it in increasingly stricter filters and protections!
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
- Challenge 6 -
The following resources are great tools for sql challenges:
- db-fiddle: An sql playground for testing sql queries with many databases.
- payloadsallthethings: A list of common payloads.
Web 1: Basic SQL Injection
by Renuka Bhusari
Sql injection is a web vulnerability in which an attacker can inject special characters into an sql query and take control of the query. This allows them to potentially leak, delete, or compromise data. Ever seen a site asking you to not use —? That’s because of sql injection!
This cyber academy we will be learning about this attack and performing it in increasingly stricter filters and protections!
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
- Challenge 6 -
The following resources are great tools for sql challenges:
- db-fiddle: An sql playground for testing sql queries with many databases.
- payloadsallthethings: A list of common payloads.
Web 2: Advanced SQL Injection
Sql injection is a web vulnerability in which an attacker can inject special characters into an sql query and take control of the query. This allows them to potentially leak, delete, or compromise data. Ever seen a site asking you to not use —? That’s because of sql injection!
This cyber academy we will be learning more about this attack, and performing some more advanced techniques to exfiltrate data in various restrictive scenarios.
by Ronak Badhe
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
The following resources are great tools for sql challenges:
- db-fiddle: An sql playground for testing sql queries with many databases.
- payloadsallthethings: A list of common payloads.
Web 3: LACTF Challenges
We hosted LA CTF this past weekend, a cybersecurity competition with over 1000 participanting teams! We wrote many beginner-level web exploitation challenges using skills we have learned in Cyber Academy, so we will try to solve them now!
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
web/I spy...
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
web/cache it to win it!
- Challenge 6 -
Web 4: XSS, CSP
XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) is a classic web exploit where attackers can inject malicious code into a website. The attacker sends a link to the webpage with the malicious code to the victim. Once the victim visits the link, the attacker's code is executed. XSS is a serious attack, as it can result in stealing the victim's sensitive data like cookies.
CSP (Content Security Policy) is a security measure that prevents attacks like XSS. It does this by restricting the use of scripts, styles, images, etc from different sources.
by Savannah Alanis
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to platform.lac.ctf to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
(LACTF 2023)
The following resources are great tools for sql challenges:
- CSP Evaluator: Check the strength of a CSP
- CSP Bypass Search: A tool designed to help ethical hackers bypass restrictive Content Security Policies.
Crypto 1: Intro to cryptography / Math
by Arnav Vora, Joshua Zhu
Cryptography is the process of hiding information or communicating securely in an environment where everyone is trying to read the communication. Most cryptography examples involve Alice and Bob trying to communicate while Eve listens in. Today, we explored the basics of modern cryptography, including fundamental math used in modern cryptosystems. Specifically, we covered data encoding, the XOR operation, and one-time-pads, used as the most fundamental way to provide information theoretic security. However, this cipher isn't practical in most scenarios, and it has many conditions for it to actually achieve perfect security. We also learned about modular arithmetic that underlies most modern public key cryptosystems.
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
The following resources are great to practice/learn about the ciphers covered in the slides.
- This website hosts many classical ciphers, and provides tools for encryption, decryption, and automatic cracking of ciphers. This is a staple for classical cryptography challenges.
- Cyberchef: This website also hosts many ciphers, and provides tools for encryption, decryption, and automatic cracking. It is very powerful at detecting the cipher used in encryption if is unknown, and is also a staple for classical cryptography challenges.
- pycryptodome: A library that implements many modern-day cryptographic algorithms.
- SageMath: An open-source mathematics system that integrates with Python and is incredibly useful in many cryptography challenges.
Crypto 1: Intro to cryptography / Math
by Arnav Vora, Joshua Zhu
Cryptography is the process of hiding information or communicating securely in an environment where everyone is trying to read the communication. Most cryptography examples involve Alice and Bob trying to communicate while Eve listens in. Today, we explored the basics of modern cryptography, including fundamental math used in modern cryptosystems. Specifically, we covered data encoding, the XOR operation, and one-time-pads, used as the most fundamental way to provide information theoretic security. However, this cipher isn't practical in most scenarios, and it has many conditions for it to actually achieve perfect security. We also learned about modular arithmetic that underlies most modern public key cryptosystems.
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
The following resources are great to practice/learn about the ciphers covered in the slides.
- This website hosts many classical ciphers, and provides tools for encryption, decryption, and automatic cracking of ciphers. This is a staple for classical cryptography challenges.
- Cyberchef: This website also hosts many ciphers, and provides tools for encryption, decryption, and automatic cracking. It is very powerful at detecting the cipher used in encryption if is unknown, and is also a staple for classical cryptography challenges.
- pycryptodome: A library that implements many modern-day cryptographic algorithms.
- SageMath: An open-source mathematics system that integrates with Python and is incredibly useful in many cryptography challenges.
Crypto 2: Modular arithmetic, RSA
by Rathul Anand
RSA has a huge signifigance for being the first pratical asymmetric cryptosystem, for which it was awarded a turning award. For that reason, it is an important foundation for any aspiring cryptographer to study about. We cover the RSA cryptosystem, what it is, what calculations are needed, and a short proof on why it works. Later, we will discuss common attacks on the RSA cryptosystem
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
- Challenge 6 -
The following resources are great to practice/learn about the ciphers covered in the slides.
- SageMath: An open-source mathematics system that integrates with Python and is incredibly useful in many cryptography challenges.
- pycryptodome: A library that implements many modern-day cryptographic algorithms.
- cryptohack: A website with many challenges related to cryptography
- Alpertron: A fast online integer factorization calculator for large numbers
- FactorDB: A large online database of integers and their factors
Crypto 3: RSA
by Gary Song
RSA has a huge signifigance for being the first pratical asymmetric cryptosystem, for which it was awarded a turning award. For that reason, it is an important foundation for any aspiring cryptographer to study about. We cover the RSA cryptosystem, what it is, what calculations are needed, and a short proof on why it works. Later, we will discuss common attacks on the RSA cryptosystem, and do some challenges from our cybersecurity competition this weekend (LACTF).
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
(on - Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
The following resources are great to practice/learn about the RSA.
- SageMath: An open-source mathematics system that integrates with Python and is incredibly useful in many cryptography challenges.
- pycryptodome: A library that implements many modern-day cryptographic algorithms.
- cryptohack: A website with many challenges related to cryptography
- Alpertron: A fast online integer factorization calculator for large numbers
- FactorDB: A large online database of integers and their factors
Crypto 4: Signatures, Symmetric Cryptography
by Arnav Vora
We will cover signature schemes based on RSA. These use the same underlying cryptosystem, but serve a very different purpose: instead of hiding data, they are used to prove that you are the one sending the message, and nobody is impersonating you. This is crucial in modern web communication, forming the foundation of the TLS (transport layer security) protocol. Then, we will discuss symmetric cryptography. Instead of asymmetric cryptography, where different keys are used for encryption and decryption, symmetric cryptography uses the same keys for both. These are many benefits and drawbacks to this form of cryptography. We will discuss the two main forms of symmetric cryptography: block ciphers and stream ciphers.
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
- Challenge 3 -
- Challenge 4 -
- Challenge 5 -
The following resources are great to practice/learn about the concepts covered in the slides.
- SageMath: An open-source mathematics system that integrates with Python and is incredibly useful in many cryptography challenges.
- pycryptodome: A library that implements many modern-day cryptographic algorithms.
- cryptohack: A website with many challenges related to cryptography
- Modes of Operation A good article about the different modes of operation of block ciphers.
Crypto 5: PRNGs, Writeups
by Arnav Vora
We will first briefly cover various PRNG (pseudo-random number generator) algorithms, and explain their importance in security. A very simply PRNG algorithm is called an LCG (linear congruential generator), using linear congruences to generate numbers. We will explore why it isn't secure and how to exploit it. Finally, we will have time to write writeups for challenges we have solved this quarter in cyber academy or elsewhere.
The following challenges in increasing difficulty are deployed to to practice the concepts covered in the slides.
- Challenge 1 -
- Challenge 2 -
The following resources are great to practice/learn about the concepts covered in the slides.
- Cracking LCGs with unknown coefficients: A thread on how to crack LCGs with unknown coefficents. This can be used to solve
. - Matthew Bolan: A youtuber who covers Minecraft math for speedrunners. Has some videos on LCGs and exploiting the Minecraft randomness engine that are very interesting.
- hackMD: A very useful markdown editor/publisher
- Twin Prime: Gary's writeup for Twin Primes from Buckeye CTF 2023, a good example of a writeup for an easier challenge.
- SHA256-CTR: Arnav's writeup for SHA256-CTR from SDCTF 2023, a good example of a writeup for a harder challenge.
Resources linked for various CTF categories that our team participates in.
General CTF resources and tools
This chapter contains resources that train you for CTFs in general. These include past CTFs, general tools that you might use during a CTF, and other things too broad to fit into one category. For category-specific tools and resources, make sure to check out the appropriate chapters!
General resources
picoCTF is a CTF competition run by people at Carnegie Mellon University. Their website also contains resources for getting into CTFs, as well as previous years' competitions that you can tackle. Highly recommended for beginners.
Cyber FastTrack and CyberStart
Possibly the most beginner friendly cybersecurity resource on this list. Some of the skills learned here are too basic to show up on CTFs, but they're still worth learning. Contact a team captain to join the PBR group on CyberStart.
John Hammond
ACM at UCLA Youtube Channel
UCSD Cyber Discord
Awesome CTF
b0ilers welcome to CTF
CTF 101
Over The Wire
Imaginary CTF
A Python library that helps with writing CTF scripts. You'll be using this a lot.
Installing Pwntools on M1 Macs.
A common installation problem with pwntools on M1 Macs is because capstone
, a dependency of pwntools, fails to build. The fix for this is the following.
brew install cmake
pip install pwntools
CyberChef describes itself as "The Cyber Swiss Army Knife - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis". Very useful.
Lets you use the Ubuntu terminal on Windows.
An interactive shell for Python that offers enhanced features for code execution and display.
RSA Attacks
Standard Curve Database
Ben Lynn's Website
Dan Boneh and Victor Shoup's Textbook
A Gentle Tutorial for Lattice-Based Cryptoanalysis
Cryptology ePrint Archive
Alpertron Integer Factorization Calculator
Z3 Python Tutorial
Web Exploitation
Natas - Over The Wire
Pwnfunction - XSS
Burp Suite
Reverse Engineering
Introduction to Reverse Engineering:
Ghidra Golf
Reverse Engineering For Beginners
Linux syscall table
Binary Ninja
Binary Ninja Cloud
Binary Exploitation / Pwn
pwn roadmap
pwn college
Exploit Education
Binary Ninja
Binary Ninja Cloud
This chapters under this chapter contain resources for categories such as forensics, osint, and blockchain.
Stego Toolkit
Open Source INTelligence (OSINT)
Searchlight - IMINT